Rehabbing With Dixie $997.00
You will Learn How to Control Contractors with My Must-Have Clauses added to your Contracts AND
What is necessary in completing Each Step of a Project,
Starting with What first steps are Critical when you're acquiring the property, to What items should be DOUBLE CHECKED on the final Punch List
This Course will take place in Ruzuku follow the link to purchase and get signed up to watch all my videos teaching Rehabbing in Real Estate.
Student Housing Training $3,997.00
This Course Will Give You My PROVEN, Documented Process For Student Housing and How I Bought Houses WITHOUT Any of My Own Money or Credit. It will teach you How to Control College Kids Living In Your Houses, AND Why they Will Pay 3 Times What Other Single Family Landlords Receive.
You'll quickly learn a comprehensive, step-by-step process that is unlike ANY Real Estate training you’ve ever experienced, because it STARTS with how you position yourself for Success from the beginning, by using a straightforward, step-by-step process for simplified implementation.
This Course will take place in Ruzuku follow the link to purchase and get signed up to watch all my videos teaching Rehabbing in Real Estate.